Thursday, July 5, 2007

what so proudly we hailed

We had a quiet expatriate independence day yesterday. It rained. But in honor of the festivities it seems appropriate to share this article I came across recently, which documents the raging success that is McDonald’s Europe, headed by a Frenchman who may be next in lead to run Mickey D worldwide. The success seems to have something to do with gas fireplaces, unobtrusive signage, and the personalization of local menus. It’s certainly a small miracle of differentiation – our student babysitter, before she became a vegetarian, swore up and down that the French Big Macs were better than the American. Mostly I was impressed that the author managed to score an interview with José Bové and his moustache. And maybe I won’t feel as guilty when I finally give in to my recent, relentless pregnancy urge for a double cheeseburger and fries. I might even co-opt G. right along with me. So there. Vive la révolution!

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