Friday, January 11, 2008

small discoveries

I just walked past the travel agency in the building next door for what must be the thousandth time; but only for the first time noticed that there is a giant stuffed rooster on the receptionist’s desk. Stuffed as in taxidermy, not toy. No other decoration in the office at all, except for some worn travel posters. How could I not have seen this before? What does a stuffed rooster have to do with train timetables?

This is why they say the French are enigmatiques.


Unknown said...

I would think that the crowing of a rooster at dawn indicates regularity.. (thr trains run on time?)


back 40 years ago when I collected stamps, the rooster was a regular image on French stamps ...


mère de famille said...

oh, excellent! thanks for a mystery solved, or at least illuminated...